Bill Tracking 2020 Session

The General Assembly convened on January 8th, 2020 for a long (60 day) session.

House of Delegates Standing Committees

House of Delegates Live Streaming

Senate Standing Committees

Senate Live Streaming

To see a list of all bills  Click here.

Ever wonder what some of the terminology used  by the General Assemby means? Clck here to find out

To look at additional information related to any bill click on any blue text.

Bill Number - Brings up a summary of the bill as introduced and a place to view the full text of the bill as to what committee it has been assigned to and the current status.

Patron – View information on the patron of the bill. Includes contact information, committee assignments and a list of legislation sponsored as either patron or co-patron.

Committee -  View membership of the committee, when the committee meets, status of all bills referred to the committee and any subcommittees.

Below is the status of bills related to emergency services as of August 18, 2020.

This list will be updated regularly during the session.

Bills Committee Last action Date
HB 5028 - Jones - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for COVID-19. (H)  Referral Pending (H) Committee Referral Pending 08/17/20
SB 5022 - Kiggans - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for COVID-19. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 08/12/20
SB 5066 - Saslaw - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for COVID-19. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 08/17/20
SB 5097 - Vogel - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for COVID-19. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 08/18/20
SB 5104 - Deeds - Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for COVID-19. (S) Committee on Commerce and Labor (S) Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor 08/18/20