Hope, Resilience & Camaraderie
Wrapping up 2020 on a Positive Note
Friday, December 18, 2020
1pm Eastern Time
Hosted by: The National Volunteer Fire Council
2020 has not been easy, especially for the volunteer fire and emergency services. Yet as we reflect on the past year and begin the next, it’s important to focus on the positive. Join NVFC chair Steve Hirsch, NVFC vice chair Kevin Quinn, Chief Joe Maruca of the West Barnstable (MA) Fire Department, and Dr. Candice McDonald for a Facebook Live discussion that will focus on messages of hope, positivity, resilience, and camaraderie as we prepare to celebrate the holidays and begin 2021.
Registration is not required. The event will be broadcast live on the NVFC's Facebook page on December 18 at 1pm ET.