Department Membership Renewals

By-laws Article 1 Section 2
The annual dues of each Company or department shall be six dollars and no cents ($6.00) for each member on their books in good standing, and shall be forwarded to the State Association Secretary on or before August 1st each year. In the event of non-payment of dues, the Company or Department shall be denied the privilege of representation in the annual or special meetings of the Association.

  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 10.
  • $0.00
    This payment to be applied for 7/01/2024– 6/30/2025
  • We're updating our records

    Please provide current contact information (or business cards) so we can reach key individuals should we have questions about membership or other VSFA business. Information provided is for the purposes of VSFA business and will not be shared.
  • Roster Request

    In an effort to establish a better line of communication between the VSFA and our member departments, as well as ensure our records are accurate and up to date; we would ask that an updated ACTIVE Membership Roster (complete with names and email addresses) be submitted along with your membership renewal dues & application. Please send your membership rosters either by email to the VSFA Treasurer at or by mail to our new mailing address listed on the home page. .
  • Payment

  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.