‘Taking Care of Those Who took Care of Us’ ™
The Lighthouse Uniform Company, long known for its Fallen Fire Fighter Dress Uniform Program, has dropped the LODD requirement and has expanded the program’s scope to make a dress uniform available to any firefighter’s family wanting one for burial purposes.
The Program, being called the Bereavement Uniform Program, is a collaborative effort. It calls for departments and firefighters to check the ‘closet’ for uniforms ‘retired’ or no longer fitting and to send them in to the Lighthouse.
The Lighthouse cleans, refurbishes, reconfigures to rank and makes them available to any family requesting one for burial purposes, overnight if necessary, at ‘no cost’ to the family. The only charge is for freight which will be billed to the affiliated department.
Access to the Bereavement Uniform Program is at http://bereavement.lighthouseuniform.com/.
One of the Bereavement Uniform Program webpage features is a section called ‘Observations from the Fireground’™. It is a rotating series of quotes, thoughts, ‘pearls of wisdom’ if you will, both dug up and solicited from customers, poster formatted and designed to be hung on day room walls. They are available at no charge. Below are a few current contributions; they will make you think and make you smile;
"Don't let go of the hose, it knows where the fire truck is". Tim Wren Lt. (ret). Troy Fire Department, Troy Michigan
“The worst mistake you can make on the fire ground is failing to recognize that plan A is not working”. Attributed to retired Battalion Chief Darwin Chenault. Contributed by Gary Nuckols, Chief Portales FD, Portales, NM
"When your warning lights begin to melt, it's a sign you're parked too close". Attributed to Alan Brunacini. Contributed by John Morris, Chief, NASCC
The success of the Bereavement Uniform Program is directly related to access. Please consider ‘linking’ the Program to your department’s web page or Facebook page.
Doing so will insure your people easy, timely access, anonymity and will keep the program at the top of Google searches. Use http://bereavement.lighthouseuniform.com. For more information or to engage the Program, call the Lighthouse at 800-426-5225.