About VSFA

The Virginia State Firefighters Association, founded in 1886, has long served as the champions of Virginia's fire service organizations and personnel. With more than 10,000 members across the Commonwealth, the VSFA works to provide for better and affordable fire protection in Virginia by advocating for legislative action to benefit Virginia fire departments, rescue squads and support Virginia’s emergency responders.

The Objectives of the Virginia State Firefighter’s Association

  • The objectives and principles of this Association shall be to form a better understanding and organization among firefighters of Virginia
  • To establish unity of action, harmony and good will
  • To promote and assist in the organization of fire departments in community where adequate fire protection and assistance is needed
  • To encourage and promote Firefighter/EMS training for all members, so that they may be more proficient in carrying out their duties.

The Virginia State Firefighter’s Association has sponsored or helped to secure favorable legislative action on the following:

  • Fire Fund received by Fire Departments each year
  • Affordable workman compensation insurance for volunteers
  • Sponsored the Volunteer Firefighters’ and Rescue Squad Workers’ Pension Fund
  • Exemption of Volunteer Fire Companies from assessment of real and personal property
  • Establishment of an official Dogwood Day for Firefighters’ relief
  • $100,000 death benefit for firefighters killed in line of duty
  • Legalized bingo under certain circumstances
  • Special license plate for volunteer firefighters
  • Place smoke detectors in colleges and universities
  • Prosecute false alarms and bomb threats in jurisdictions where it originated or was received
  • Supporting legislation requiring smoke detectors in all new homes
  • Supporting legislation making assaulting a firefighter or police officer in the line of duty a felony
  • Supporting sprinkler systems in nursing homes, colleges and universities
  • Move State Fire Marshall's Office to Virginia Department of Fire Programs

Programs, Activities, Accomplishments

  • VSFA Line-of-Duty-Death benefit (NOW $10,000)
  • $2,500 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Policy
  • Hold Annual Conference/Expo, includes annual business meeting, provides training, contests, truck rodeo
  • Develop and distributed a comprehensive Emergency Driver Program to all Fire Departments in the Commonwealth
  • Developed and distributed a Community Fire Safety Program to all Fire Departments in the Commonwealth
  • Scholarship program along with the Auxiliary to the VSFA
  • Established an awards program to recognize individuals for their contribution in Fire & EMS as well as other Participation on Statewide Mutual Aid Program
  • Participation on Statewide Incident Management System
  • VSFA is included on all study committees that influence fire and emergency service in Virginia
  • Participation in national legislation and standards making activities through involvement in the National Volunteer Fire Council
  • Seat on Virginia Fire Services Board
  • Seat on Virginia Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board