VSFA Works to Identify Legislative Priorities
The Virginia State Firefighters’ Association works with our Fire and EMS Partners from across the Commonwealth in a process of gaining consensus on legislative priorities. This can be viewed as a daunting task that requires significant collaboration and, often times, compromise by all entities/stakeholders involved. The result of this process, will be the development of the 2024 Virginia Legislative Priorities and Issues document that will be sent to the Virginia General Assembly.
Va. Fire & EMS Stakeholder 2024 Legislative Booklet
Regular Session
The General Assembly meets annually, beginning on the second Wednesday in January, for 60 days in even-numbered years and for 30 days in odd-numbered years, with an option to extend annual sessions for a maximum of 30 days. The Senate of Virginia and the Virginia House of Delegates, both bodies of the Virginia Legislature, normally meet in the working Capitol building in Richmond, Virginia.