Changes to the Aid to Localities Program

Posted & filed under News.

The Virginia Department of Fire Programs would like to inform you of several significant changes to the ATL program. On August 4th The Virginia Fire Service Board approved the below changes to the ATL program. All changes are effective immediately. The complete updated policy can be found at

ATL Changes:

  1. Localities will receive 100% of their ATL allocation when they submit a completed annual packet. Packets consist of:
  • Two (2) disbursement agreements requesting current year’s allocation.
  • One (1) annual report documenting how the previous year’s allocation was spent.
  1. Localities will have 12 months to complete their annual submission. Only one fiscal year before forfeiting their fund.
  • If reports are not received by the fourth quarter (May) disbursement deadline due date funds for that fiscal year will be forfeited.
  1. A spending plan must be provided for all carryover balances.
  • The annual report has been updated to include a section (D2) in which localities that have a carryover balance must explain how they plan to spend the funds and the timeline in which they plan to spend it.
  1. Community Risk Reduction program is no longer an allowable expense.
  • Category C2 was revised to cover fire prevention and public safety education programs.